How Do You Manage Client Miscommunication?


    How Do You Manage Client Miscommunication?

    To provide insights on managing client miscommunications effectively, we asked founders and CEOs for key lessons. From resolving misunderstandings in casual settings to emphasizing the importance of every word, explore what five professionals have learned from their experiences.

    • Resolve Misunderstandings in Casual Settings
    • Establish Clear Communication Channels
    • Identify Errors and Find Solutions
    • Ensure Clarity in Marketing Messages
    • Emphasize Importance of Every Word

    Resolve Misunderstandings in Casual Settings

    I recall one incident when a client misunderstood the scope of the project and thought that it involved some extra services that were not agreed upon initially. Instead of pointing fingers, I invited the client for a casual meet-and-greet over coffee outside the office. In relaxed conversation, we went through the initial agreement. I listened to his concerns without interrupting. This helped in two ways—it defused any tension and made the client feel heard. We managed to come to a new agreement that included the additional services, with a revised timeline and budget.

    The lesson learned was that sometimes, stepping out of the formal office setting and having a more personal, relaxed conversation can be very effective in the resolution of misunderstandings and strengthening client relationships.

    Azam Mohamed Nisamdeen
    Azam Mohamed NisamdeenFounder, Convert Chat

    Establish Clear Communication Channels

    In one instance, a miscommunication with a client led to confusion about project timelines and deliverables. We quickly set up a meeting to address the issue, where we listened to their concerns and clarified our position. By transparently discussing the misunderstanding and adjusting our project plan to better align with their expectations, we were able to rebuild trust and ensure the project's success.

    The key lesson was the importance of establishing clear communication channels and regular check-ins to prevent similar issues. This experience reinforced that addressing miscommunications promptly and openly can turn potential setbacks into opportunities for strengthening client relationships.

    Mike Fallat
    Mike FallatOwner, DreamStarters Publishing

    Identify Errors and Find Solutions

    There’s always a way out!

    An intern mentioned incorrect pricing in an email once. The good thing was that she let us know about it immediately, and even better was the fact that it was only a mention, not an official quotation. In principle, however, we knew a company representative had given a potential client the wrong amount, so we couldn’t just ignore this error.

    Thankfully, the same intern came up with a unique solution to the problem. She suggested quoting halfway between her stated and original amount. This way, the company would bear some loss in revenue, and the client would nevertheless receive a discount on the original price. She even took on the responsibility of conveying this to the client. It all ended well, with the customer appreciating the move and viewing it as an honest gesture.

    The lesson learned? As long as you identify an error and get going on finding a solution, there’s always a way out that works for everyone!

    Raymond Anto
    Raymond AntoFounder, Congruen

    Ensure Clarity in Marketing Messages

    During the first years of TrackingMore, we had a unique instance of miscommunication with one of our clients on what our platform could do for their business. While we primarily marketed TrackingMore as a shipment-tracking solution, it was our understanding that the client understood this to mean that the platform was also a shipping solution that could help with rate shopping and label generation.

    Although we resolved the issue with the client and explained what we could offer, the incident was an excellent lesson for our young startup. We learned that you should never let the customer assume anything when marketing your product or service. Clarity when communicating your value to their business or lives is crucial in avoiding misunderstandings and setting the right expectations. This incident also kicked into gear our content-marketing strategy, with the main goal of providing our target customers with as much information as possible about our platform.

    Clooney Wang
    Clooney WangCEO, TrackingMore

    Emphasize Importance of Every Word

    Lesson learned: Every word matters!

    It was just a word left omitted in error, but it sure made company headlines! In an email thread involving multiple departments, a manager mistakenly wrote "client not required" instead of "client input not required." Considering the routine rounds the email was making, no one noticed. Even if they did, they chose not to bring it up.

    The only problem was that the client was also a part of this thread!

    Seeing how this was a line that anyone would take personally, the client understandably took offense and wrote in. Frankly, when we saw how it looked to the client, we were just as embarrassed. I gave the otherwise easy-going client an earnest call, explained how the error occurred, assured them of just how valuable they were to us, and, to validate our regret, offered a free service upgrade. Of course, we closed the matter amicably, but not before sending out an email emphasizing the importance of a single word!

    Abraham Samuel
    Abraham SamuelCo-founder, Boost My Domain